Oral Pathology
Occasionally, a dentist may see something that doesn’t appear to be normal and asks for the opinion of an oral surgeon. Many times, there is some idea what it may be and is not thought to be cancerous. Often, the lesion is benign and just may enlarge over time causing irritation or other problems.
Biopsy may involve a simple brush biopsy (similar to a pap smear where cells are brushed onto a slide and sent for microscopic study). It may also involve removing all or part of the lesion by Dr. Noren. Some biopsies are referred to Ear Nose and Throat doctors depending on the location of the lesion.
The first visit usually entails just looking at the area, doing a routine oral, head and neck exam, and making a decision on what to do next. Dr. Noren will explain these steps to you at this appointment. Most biopsies are painless and done with local anesthesia (numbing the area). For awkward areas or for patients who have anxiety, light IV sedation may be appropriate. This will also be discussed at the consultation appointment. We are here to make this as stress free as possible for you. If you have any questions, call us at (607) 273-0327.

Wisdom tooth with a cyst